Connected Wind Services Sweden signs a Full-service hybrid agreement with EnBW
Connected Wind Services Group is proud to announce that the Swedish entity has signed a Full-service hybrid agreement on 43 Vestas V90 turbi…

Connected Wind Services Denmark signs full scope service agreement with Vattenfall
Connected Wind Services Denmark is to deliver full scope service on 32 Siemens 2,3 turbines, owned by Vattenfall, in Denmark.…

CWS is to maintain all Envision Energy wind turbines in France
CWS has signed a frame work agreement on service and maintenance with Chinese Envision Energy.…

EnBW acquires seven wind farms in Sweden
EnBW acquires seven wind farms with an installed output of 105 megawatts just a few months after the foundation of a subsidiary in the count…

Connected Wind Services acquires service company in Denmark
Connected Wind Services acquires service company Concept Wind Service in Denmark…