With 35 years of experience in the renewable industry
We offer specialized service of solar assets
As a specialist in maintenance of renewables, we ensure the performance and production of your solar assets- at any time.
With the mix of mechanical and electronical skills of our technicians we can offer you the full range of services, from installations support and supervisions, to daily service and main component repair and replacement.
And with our innovative surveillance technologies, we can offer you a reliable 24/7 monitoring of your assets.
Our goal is to always provide you with the most cost-efficient solution possible.

Solar service portfolio
Our scope of services for solar

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Get in touch with your solar contact to learn more about what we can do for you or request a quote.
Head of Sales
Connected Wind Services Danmark A/S
Projekt Manager
Project Manager
Connected Wind Services Sverige AB
Mit uns bleibt Ihre Investition in Bewegung
Auf unserem Weg nach oben gehen Ihre Kosten nach unten
Mehr als 5000 Gründe, warum Sie sich auf uns verlassen können
Kosteneffiziente Getriebereparaturen direkt auf der Anlage
CONNECT24•7 – zur Überwachung des Betriebs Ihrer Windenergieanlage