Service Projects

Sending us up, sends costs down

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We take on your service challenge with a smile

Take advantage of an experienced service projects organization

Connected Wind Services has more than 30 years’ experience, extensive knowledge resources and strong local presence in delivering service projects and providing refurbished and fully fitted components - both in the kW and MW classes.

Knowledge, flexibility and our ability to adapt to your individual requirements together with a high availability of special tools and components are key to our success.

Our track record

Wind turbines in service
Service teams
Full-scope agreements

Advancing movement through-out the lifecycle

The Connected Wind Services First contract. Full service without large components.

Includes the option of large components
Option to expand the scope of supply and services of the service package by customer-specific components
Guaranteed availability is conserved of course
Service projects

Ensuring up-time

Whether it is a main component or blade inspection. Whether it is decommissioning, retrofitting, an up-tower repair or a wind turbine upgrade, we make sure it happens with minimal downtime and costs.

30+ years of best practice experience
Highest QHSE standards
Highest availability of special tools and components
Gear replacements
Gear endoscope inspections
Gear up-tower repairs
Generator replacements
Blade inspections and repairs
Main component replacements
Reinstallation and commissioning projects
Decommissioning projects
Up-tower repair

Sending us up, sends costs down

In some cases, the most cost-efficient gearbox repair is performed up-tower. Connected Wind Services has long experience in performing up-tower repairs. Our group of fully certified technicians are ready to provide their services on short notice at your site.

Experts develop solutions and tools and test them before we apply them in the field. This significantly reduces the risk of unforeseen events during the field operation.

Our goal is to provide you with the most cost-efficient solution possible.


Services & benefits

We’ve got you

Connected Wind Services has more than 30 years’ experience, extensive knowledge resources and strong local presence in delivering service projects- both in the kW and MW classes.

Knowledge, flexibility and our ability to adapt to your individual requirements together with a high availability of special tools and components are key to our success.

Minimal downtime and costs

Whether it is a main component or blade inspection. Whether it is decommissioning, retrofitting, an up-tower repair or a wind turbine upgrade, we make sure it happens with minimal downtime and costs.

Nothing but the highest level of service

We tailor our practices with the individual goals and objectives of our customers in mind. Every aspect of your service project is customized to make sure it meets your utmost satisfaction.

International coverage

Our international presence makes is possible for us to serve you regardless of your wind farm’s location in Europe. We have operational units in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and France and can support you throughout all European countries, either by our own service teams or via our extensive network.


Prior to each special project, we have a close dialogue with you to understand your specific needs and subsequently we have the flexibility to adapt our approach and plans to fit with your specific needs. As a direct result of our standardised / conceptualised approach to special projects, you will experience our cost leadership to the benefit of your yield.

Got questions?

If you have any questions regarding our Service Projects, please take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

You can find answers to the most common questions as well as information about how to get support.

In which countries does CWS offer service projects?

We work globally on service projects and supply of parts.

Can CWS provide supervision?

Yes, CWS has many highly experienced supervisors available.

Can CWS provide service projects for all WTG types?

No, but being a multibrand ISP, we can handle it for most common WTG models.

Does CWS have in-house tools for changing main components?

Yes, we have special tools for a wide range of main component exchange activities and for a large variety of WTG models.

Can CWS provide a plug 'n' play solution, including people, crane, parts etc.?

Yes, CWS has done this exact type of scope many times.

Does CWS buy old and/or defective WTG´s?

Yes, we buy occasionally various WTG's for stock.

Contact us

Get in touch with your local service project contact or your international sales contact to learn more about what we can do for you or request a project quote.

Service Project

Bo Kirk Damsgaard

Head of Sales
Connected Wind Services Danmark A/S

Emmanuel Schuddinck

Directeur Général
Connected Wind Services France SAS

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